revisiting the virgin suicides (sofia coppola, 1999)
music friday: the last waltz (martin scorsese, 1978)

geezer cinema: thor: love and thunder (taika waititi, 2022)

I've seen a lot of Marvel movies, mostly because my wife likes them. This was, in fact, the ninth Marvel movie we have seen in our Geezer Cinema series, and she picked eight (I picked Black Widow). Also, while I've seen Thor in a few Avengers movies, this was the first "Thor" movie I've seen (there are now four). I wasn't really coming cold to Love and Thunder ... well, I didn't have the Marvel Cinematic Universe context, but I'm familiar with Chris Hemsworth's take on the character, and there was a nice "Previously On" segment at the beginning to catch people like me up.

I liked Thor: Love and Thunder. I wouldn't say I loved it, but the humor (and there was a lot of it) was right up my alley, at least while I was watching it. Hemsworth alone cracks me up with his line readings as Thor ... they are some of my favorite parts of the Avengers movies he is in. There were a lot of good names in the cast, although most of them end up largely as cameos (Guardians of the Galaxy fans will like seeing those characters, but they disappear quickly, and Kat Dennings is only on screen long enough to set her fans' hearts aflutter and then she, too, is gone). The leads (besides Hemsworth, there's Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, and Tessa Thompson) are enjoyable. Special effects were OK, but I really don't care, which may be why I like most Marvel movies without loving them.

If I'm being honest, my favorite Marvel-related moment at the theater was this:

[Letterboxd list of Geezer Cinema movies]



Did you figure out which one of us gets to choose Wakanda Forever?

Steven Rubio

Me. But we might not make it ... Black Panther isn't a Geezer Movie (to be fair, it came out before we did Geezer). But we went the first night (or second, can't remember), and I might not be able to wait until Tuesday to see Wakanda. OTOH, there'll be so many people in the audience, I might be afraid to go :-).

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