film fatales #117: sword of trust (lynn shelton, 2019)
what i watched

25 favorite films final update

They Shoot Pictures, Don't They have released a spreadsheet with the votes for all 5,945 films that received votes, so I can now check to see how my stragglers did. As I noted earlier, 8 of my 25 choices did not make the list of the top 1005. Here is how they fared:

Winter's Bone (Granik) got 1 vote, mine.

The Rapture (Tolkin) got 2 votes.

Black Panther (Coogler), Near Dark (Bigelow), and Stories We Tell (Polley) got 3 votes.

The Beaches of Agnes (Varda) and The Sorrow and the Pity (Ophüls) got 4 votes.

Steamboat Bill, Jr. (Keaton) got 6 votes.

Besides my vote, Debra Granik did received 5 votes for Leave No Trace. Here are the first five minutes of Winter's Bone:


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