geezer cinema/film fatales #115: saint maud (rose glass, 2019)
revisiting the shining (stanley kubrick, 1980)

music friday: judy collins, jesse colin young, b-52's, cadallaca

Judy Collins, Berkeley Community Theater, March 4, 1967. My first concert, and, according to this flyer/ad, her first appearance in the Bay Area:

Judy collins bct 1967

She was touring behind In My Life. I remember I needed new glasses, so I wasn't seeing as well as I wanted, which mattered, because it was very clear that Judy Collins was beautiful. I was 13 years old, she was 27.

Jesse Colin Young, Oakland Coliseum, July 1974. He was the opening act for a Day on the Green headlined by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. The Youngbloods broke up in 1972, and Young's solo career was never higher than it was in 1973-4.

And a reminder that The Youngbloods were more than "Get Together":

The B-52s, Lower Sproul Plaza, 1979? Not sure about the date, but this was the time of their classic debut album. This was a lunchtime show on the Berkeley campus. Here they are before their fame:

Cadallaca, Davis Coffee Shop, Bottom of the Hill, August 1999. This is when I interviewed them for Punk Planet.


Sarah Dougher teaches Women's Studies at Portland State. 


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