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music friday: rolling stone's 500 best albums of all time

So Rolling Stone updated its list of top albums ... I think this is version 3. Here are a few selections.

Prince, Purple Rain (#8):

Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run (#21):

Sleater-Kinney, Dig Me Out (#189):

Miranda Lambert, The Weight of These Wings (#480):



The list got way more interesting I think. Feels less official statement of the canon and instead a debate, which is what music is anyway. Was Marvin at the top last time? And was Abbey Road the highest Beatles last time?

Steven Rubio

I've already forgotten a lot of the discussion, but there is general agreement, I think, that the list is more interesting now. I could be wrong, don't trust me on this, but I think the most recent Top Ten was:

1 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-Beatles
2 Pet Sounds-Beach Boys
3 Revolver-Beatles
4 Highway 61 Revisited-Bob Dylan
5 Rubber Soul-Beatles
6 What's Going On-Marvin Gaye
7 Exile On Main Street-Rolling Stones
8 London Calling-Clash
9 Blonde On Blonde-Bob Dylan
10 The White Album-Beatles

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