falling skies series premiere
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Took me a couple of days to say anything about this one, and even now, I’m just posting filler. Sunday saw the terrific season finale of Game of Thrones, which has already risen to the top level of current series; another very good episode of Treme, which never lets me down even when it’s breaking my heart; and the gawdawful season finale of The Killing, which serves as a warning to any of us inclined to rave about a show after one episode.
Meanwhile, Falling Skies, the new Spielberg-connected alien invasion drama, debuted on TNT. It was OK … I’m not sure I’ve ever watched a TNT series, to be honest (oh yeah, I watched Saving Grace for awhile), so maybe I’ll develop a fondness for the network. Falling Skies delivered just enough FX to be dazzling for a TV show, included some characters that have room to grow on us, and didn’t bore me. How long I stay with it is another question. It doesn’t seem to have ambitions towards being a great show, and that’s OK, but I usually start ignoring those shows after awhile. It doesn’t look to have the scuzzy grandeur of Battlestar Galactica, or the goofy implausibility of, say, Damages. It just looks like a decent show that won’t bore you. My wife watches tons of these kinds of shows, the ones that appear on USA and TNT, or broadcast network shows like Bones or Castle. She likes them, and I can tell they’re better than average … I might like Burn Notice just for Bruce Campbell. But the truth is, when there are series like Treme and Justified, something like Falling Skies seems to lack something. Like I say, I’ll give it a chance, but I think I prefer The Walking Dead.
Maybe the premiere was just too long for me, but I just deleted it without watching it to the end. Will try the next episode, but I'm not hopeful"^{
Posted by: Katie of Hawaii | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 12:22 AM