walking dead season finale
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
It’s tempting to point to The Walking Dead as evidence for why Terriers was cancelled. The Walking Dead got very good ratings … in the neighborhood of ten times as many people watched it as watched Terriers. As FX honcho John Landgraf said, when discussing the cancellation of a show he clearly liked, “I don't think subtlety is something the American public is buying in droves today.” The Walking Dead is not subtle.
This sounds like I’m dissing The Walking Dead, but really I’m just mourning the loss of a better show. The Walking Dead is very good at what it does, and what it does seems to be popular, so it will return for a second season.
The first season had an excellent, if derivative, pilot, several episodes that gave the regular characters some depth, and a finale that promised more good stuff next year. The biggest problem seemed to grow out of the hurried nature of the season, which, for a variety of reasons, was limited to six episodes. And while we got to know the characters better over the course of the episodes, at the end, we were basically in the same place we were several episodes earlier: on the run from the zombies. It’s unclear how long this can keep our attention. For now, though, it’s good enough. Grade: B+.