republican update
partisan hatred

scans of the day

In the summer of 1972, I returned from a year in exile in Indiana, and got in touch with Robin. We started the long road of getting back together ... well, not that long, we were married within a year, but there were some oddball steps along the way. That summer, Robin was living in Sherman Hall, a student co-op next to Memorial Stadium ... she'd lived there for her freshman year, and along with one other girl was house-sitting for the summer. I spent a lot of time there that summer, as did our friend Tom. The three of us had many escapades that will not be hashed over here ... if Robin or Tom want to pipe up, that's fine, but I'm not talking unless they do. It was an odd summer, the summer of George McGovern. Anyway, we apparently referred to ourselves in a joking manner as living in a commune, which leads to the following three documents. The first is one of my infamous drawings (infamous because I can't draw), showing what we did:

commune freaks
Tom played drums, I was thinking about becoming a film major, and Robin ... well, I'm not sure why she got to be next to what appears to be a typewriter.

The typewriter gets a workout here, in a fragment from a continuing tale we cranked out when bored:

life in a commune
Finally, this hand-written note by Tom, with reply from Robin, which just might be the first documented case of Steven Acting Out:
Life in a commune, summer of 1972.


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